If you, or someone you know has MS, then there is no need to walk you through what MS is, or what the classic signs and symptoms of MS are, or what the normal route taken by MS patients is to getting relief; the bottom line is you already know all of this. It has become a diagnosis that you feel defined by. The more pertinent thing you are probably interested in is a few things you can try naturally that you haven’t tried before to help you manage this process that is going on within your body every second of every day. Here are a few things, proven effective naturally, that maybe you have not tried that might give you some noticeable daily improvements in managing your symptoms:
Eat at least three meals a week containing one serving of organic, wild caught, sockeye salmon with a serving of veggies containing either kale, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, or a combination of any of these. Omega-3 fats are abundantly found in this form of salmon, and are key in making sure they are readily available for the body to be able to use in nerve repair. The myelin sheath surrounding the nerve bundles in our body (which is what is thought to be the major area of problem in the development of MS) is mostly fat, and omega-3 fats are a large percentage of the resources needed to make this repair possible.
Eliminate sodas from your weekly diet. Soda absolutely throws our bodies into chaos mode. Because of the large amount of sugar and carbonation within sodas, the body recognizes it as a waste product, and forces the body to expend energy to eliminating waste instead of healing, and repair. It also is highly inflammatory, and puts MS patients bodies more into “detox” mode, and less into “heal/repair” mode. Because fatigue is a major symptom associated with MS, we want to make sure what energy is available is used in the right areas.
Spend atleast 20 minutes a day outside. Vitamin D deficiency has been highly linked in many research articles to those diagnosed with MS. The best source of Vitamin D is natural sun exposure. Spending atleast twenty minutes a day in the sun will not only increase the levels of Vitamin D within the body, it will also tend to force us into some sort of exercise (which is also highly recommended). Whether it’s a twenty minute walk, or hike, or even just twenty minutes of sun bathing, this is a great step to incorporate into your weekly routine.
If you are like many of the patients that I see struggling with the symptoms associated with MS, and have found yourself “trying everything”, including the ones I have mentioned, then I might have the missing link in the chain of getting your condition manageable. At the Specific Chiropractic Center, I test the function of the nervous system, and I find that most people diagnosed with MS have a nervous system that only operates at about 50% of what it could be. The reason that your body is not healing and repairing (especially the nerves, and nerve bundles) could be because the communication from the brain to that nerve cell, and vice versa, is not communicating at 100%, which has led to detoriation of the nerves, and an overall lack of healing. To have your nervous system evaluated, visit drgrantdennis.com, and schedule your 15 minute complimentary consultation to see if you indeed are a candidate. If you are, our 6 month process could be the exact thing you have been missing in getting you back to the life you envision. It is also important to note, I have seen patients that present with the symptoms of MS, but are not diagnosed with MS. Having a nervous system that has interference, can often times present with a lot of the same symptoms that present with MS (weakness, numbness, tingling, etc.) but there is not enough clinical indicators to make the diagnosis. Just food for thought.
Yours in health,
Dr. Grant, drgrantdennis.com, 501-420-2815