Some good fat sources? Nuts, meat, and eggs. Nuts are high in testosterone-elevating omega-3 fatty acids. And since testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol, eggs—yolks and all—are a great breakfast option. Scramble up your eggs with broccoli, which is high in indole-3-carbinol, a food compound that can help cut estrogen levels in half in men.
Buy grass-fed, organic meats to avoid the chemicals—even estrogen—that much of our meat is full of in today’s supermarkets. Men need some estrogen, but on such small levels that we usually have them naturally. Higher levels of estrogen caused by excess body fat, diet, and exposure to chemical estrogens can increase your chances of blood clots and prostate cancer, and can decrease your sex drive. High estrogen levels also correlate to low testosterone levels. Avoid soy, alcohol (except for red wine), and chemical estrogens found in plastics and some shampoo.
3 Supplements to Take Every Morning
Vitamin D. —-In a study from Medical University of Graz, Austria, male subjects took either 3,332 IU of vitamin D per day per one year or a placebo. (The Institute of Medicine recommends 4,000 IU as the upper level of vitamin D intake.) Free testosterone levels increased significantly in the vitamin D supplemented group, but there was no change in the placebo group. Most men should take up to 4,000 IU daily. However, it’s a good idea to have your doctor check your D level, since many men are deficient in vitamin D and may require a greater dose.
- Zinc. —-A study at the University of Tehran in Iran found the same correlation with zinc, a nutrient that also promotes healthy sperm counts in men. Zinc raises testosterone levels by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase from working. Aramatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. Get your zinc levels tested to determine how much you should be taking. Twenty-five milligrams per day is a good starting point.
- Fatty Acids. —-Take omega-3 tablets, or fish oil pills. Use a balanced ratio of EPA/DHA (Poliquin EPA/DHA blend is a good option). Omega-3 fatty acids lower cortisol levels in the body, giving way to higher levels of testosterone. Cortisol is a stress hormone. In order for your body to meet the demands of stress, it has to increase levels of cortisol, but also decrease levels of testosterone. Both can’t exist in your body at high levels.